Digital Product

ELIV 2023 – On-Demand-Stream

Course number: 01DP042

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The "ELIV 2023" on-demand stream is a free offer from VDI Wissensforum for engineers and software developers in the automotive industry who want to learn about the latest developments, trends and innovations in the fields of automotive electronics and automotive software. The stream contains all keynotes and technical presentations that were held during ELIV 2023 in the "New York" room. The presentations will cover topics such as the use of open source, artificial intelligence and cloud solutions in software-defined vehicles.

Highlights from the international industry event ELIV 2023 in a free stream

The sheer number and complexity of electrical and electronic systems in vehicles has been increasing for years. At the same time, software plays an increasingly important role in the automotive industry. Today's cars have immense computing power, alllowing for increasingly complex software that can control and connect many different systems. This makes software a game changer for the automotive industry, fundamentally changing the way cars are used. On the one hand, this opens up great opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers, but it also presents enormous challenges.

In the recording of ELIV 2023, you will hear how decision-makers and experts from leading OEMs and suppliers as well as representatives from renowned universities and research institutions deal with these challenges and the solutions they are working on. The presentations and discussions will show you which trends and developments dominate the market. They will also give you invaluable insight into the directions you can take to continue driving forward the design, development and integration of your vehicle software.

Content of the videos

The presentations and discussions in the ELIV 2023 stream will focus on these topics, amongst others:

  • Open source solutions
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Cloud
  • Software defined vehicles

Target Group

The presentations are aimed at engineers and developers in the automotive industry as well as executives and managers involved in the design and development of vehicle software.

The target audience also includes researchers, academics and experts working on the further development of automotive software and representatives from companies involved in automotive software development, integration and solutions. In particular, employees from the following areas:

  • OEMs
  • Suppliers
  • Software developers
  • Technology companies
  • Open source initiatives

The free stream is particularly interesting for those who were unable to attend ELIV 2023 and would now like to follow the keynotes, plenary and technical presentations held in the "New York" room. You can start the recording anywhere you like, pause it at any time and select the presentations and discussions that are relevant to you.

The Speakers

The high-calibre keynote speakers and speakers include (in alphabetical order):

  • Dipl.-Ing. Kai Lars Barbehön, Vice President Central Control Units, Wire Harness, Power Supply, BMW Group, Munich
  • Dr. Frank Kindermann, Head of Battery System Europe, NIO GmbH, Munich
  • Magnus Östberg, Chief Software Officer – Executive Vice President, Research & Development, Mercedes-Benz AG, Sindelfingen
  • Dr. Mathias Pillin, Member of the Business Sector Board Bosch Mobility Solutions, Head of Mobility Technology, Gerlingen
  • Igal Raichelgauz, B. Sc., Founder & CEO, Autobrains Technologies Ltd., Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
  • Dr.-Ing. Yankin Tanurhan, Senior Vice President of Engineering, Solutions Group, Synopsys, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA
  • Maria Uvarova, PhD, Senior Vice President, Software Product Management, Stellantis, Munich
  • Dominik Wee, Corporate Vice President, Manufacturing & Mobility, Microsoft Corporation, Munich

Start your free stream now!

Would you like to hear about the developments and trends leading decision-makers and experts from the field of automotive electronics presented at ELIV 2023? Do you want to use VDI Wissensforum’s on-demand stream to prepare for ELIV 2024 (16 and 17 October 2024 in Bonn)? Then book the "ELIV 2023 - On-Demand Stream" now, free of charge and without obligation.