Jochen Hardt
Covestro Deutschland AG, Leverkusen
The VDI is Europe´s biggest technical and scientific association and in that role also the representative of engineers and technology both nationally and internationally. With the comprehensive support of our international, 11-member program committee, composed of experts from science and business, we meet those requirements in the way we design the content of our conference.
Thank you very much for the great cooperation!
Pascal Bertens
DAF Trucks N.V. / Eindhoven
Dr. Christian Bornhorst
Volkswagen AG / Wolfsburg
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Drescher
Volkswagen AG / Wolfsburg
Dipl.-Ing. Fabian Groh
AUDI AG / Neckarsulm
Jürgen Gugg
BMW AG / München
Dr. Steffen Hölzel
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG / Weissach
Dipl.- Werner Jakobs
Ford Werke GmbH / Köln
Dr. Gerard Liraut
Renault SAS Technocentre Renault / Guyancourt
Dr. Jenni Meiners
Opel Automobile GmbH / Rüsselsheim
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Möller
Volkswagen Osnabrück GmbH / Osnabrück
Stefan Röhl
MAN Truck & Bus SE / München
Dipl.- Daniel Schröder
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. / Düsseldorf
Jochen Hardt
Covestro Deutschland AG, Leverkusen
Roger Kaufmann
GK Concept GmbH, Dresden
Klaus Münker
Magna Exteriors GmbH, Altbach
Stefan Schierl
KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH, Parsdorf
Prof. Martin Würtele
Technische Hochschule Rosenheim
The VDI Materials Engineering Association connects experts from industry with scientific specialists in related fields in a targeted way. This means that current questions about products in terms of the materials and technologies used can be discussed in detail and their solutions can be provided to the network of engineers.
In addition to specialist activities for business professionals, “Plastics in Engineering” has also provided opportunities for the next generation. This year, the VDI Materials Engineering Association (GME) and VDI Wissensforum GmbH invited over 110 students from 11 colleges to the event. This engagement was also praised by the professors, including Prof. Ansgar Jaeger from Würzburg College, who said “our students are always particularly interested in the Plastics in Automotive Engineering congress and we are very grateful to VDI for being able to take part. In addition to the presentations, the trade exhibition provides opportunities to see and experience innovative applications and also helps our students to make contacts for potential internships and dissertations.” This is initiative that is also appreciated by colleges at further VDI Wissensforum GmbH events.
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