Templates for speakers
In the download section, you will find our templates designed to aid you in crafting your presentation slides and outlining the content of your talk. We kindly request that you adhere to the guidelines embedded directly within the files. These guidelines are intended to help you present clear and succinct content. Our goal is to enable attendees to easily and swiftly understand the core of your contribution, while also maintaining a uniform visual presentation. Of course, you are welcome to include your company logo in the slides.
Materials that have received approval from your company will be accessible to our attendees in the download section as protected PDF files and in printed form. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers at VDI Wissensforum.
Writing Guide for VDI Reports
We express our gratitude to the conference speakers for their willingness to draft a manuscript for a VDI report. To maintain a uniform format, we request you adhere strictly to the writing guidelines. Please use the doc template file in Word format for drafting your contribution:
Template file (.docx) as Microsoft Word
Templates for event materials
We are pleased that you have decided to deliver a lecture at an event of the VDI Wissensforum.
You can use the following template to create a presentation:
VDI Wissensforum Logo
VDI Wissensforum Logo (Isolated)